team: paolo cascone (director) with marilena laddaga - elena ciancio – federico forestiero
DIGITAL CONSTRUCTION applied research that we have developed for the Ance, the italian national association of construction Companies. the research agenda is based on a multiparametric approach to architectural design, integrating digital manufacturing technologies into the fabrication and construction process. such approach investigates on the relation between industry 4.0 opportunities and the constraints of the world of building construction with the aim to bridge different knowledge through a series of concrete case studies. the first [DC] modular prototype is robotically 3D printed and assembled on site. the prototype can decline in pavilion, modular house, etc. the design process starts from modular portals that are further shaped based on environmental and structural analysis combined with architectural functions and ergonomic criteria. at the same time, the assembly strategy proposes a fast deployment approach integrating an interlocking based system for the portals. the modular elements are conceived as an off-grid system. therefore, the global shape has been analysed to evaluate the sun radiance values for photovoltaic panels on the roof. the large-scale 3D printing has been proved an economic and versatile solution for standard construction elements produced both off site and on site. the designed prototype is assembled on site with a collaborative effort of robots and human labour force. the sections are connected with an interlocking system to obtain a continuous surface, improving global stability and structural performances.